It strengthens the leg and core muscles, plays a role in simple daily movements, prevents pain, and contributes to overall health. So, how is it that so many people still don't perform the squad exercise correctly? It's time to change that, with explanations about one of the most important exercises in your workout routine.
At first glance, it’s just bending down and standing back up. But in reality, performing the squad correctly requires precision and control to prevent injuries and get the most out of the exercise. For this reason, many people perform squads incorrectly, which can lead to knee pain, lower back discomfort, and even serious injuries. So, how do you perform a squad properly, and what are the secrets to maintaining perfect technique with every descent and ascent? Here's how to perform the squad correctly:
What Are the Benefits of Performing Squads?
Overall Strength Development: Squads are one of the most effective exercises for building strength, especially in the legs and core muscles. Strengthening these muscles helps reduce strain on the joints and improves their functionality.
Improved Posture and Balance: Squads enhance overall posture, contributing to better balance and stability while reducing the risk of injuries.
Increased Muscle Mass: Regular squad training with appropriate weights can lead to an increase in muscle mass, particularly in the legs and glutes. This muscle growth supports a healthy and aesthetic body composition and is especially crucial as we age (starting in the fourth decade of life), due to the natural decline in muscle mass.
Functional Exercise: Squads mimic everyday movements, such as sitting down and standing up, making them essential for improving functional fitness. This contributes to better performance in daily activities, reduces the risk of injuries throughout life, and helps maintain functional independence in older age.
Assistance in Rehabilitation After Surgeries: Squads are an integral part of physical therapy rehabilitation following orthopedic surgeries in general, and knee surgeries in particular.
What are the Different Types of Squads?
The range of squad types is very broad and can suit different goals:
Bodyweight Squad: This is the basic and simple squad exercise performed with only body weight. It's perfect for beginners or as a warm-up and can even be incorporated into intense workouts.
Weighted Squad: Weight can be added to all types of squads to challenge different muscles. Additionally, by working against different weights within an adjusted rep range, you can train various types of strength (maximal strength, explosive strength, muscular endurance, and muscle hypertrophy).
Front Squad: This is performed with the barbell resting on the chest and front shoulders. It places more emphasis on the quadriceps and core muscles.
Back Squad: This is performed with the barbell resting on the trapezius muscles. The focus here is on the glutes, quadriceps, and lower back muscles. It's an excellent exercise for strengthening the legs and back muscles, but requires attention to proper technique to avoid overloading the lumbar spine.
Goblet Squad: This is performed with a dumbbell or kettlebell held in front of the chest. This variation is very helpful for improving technique and maintaining stability, and it can be especially beneficial for individuals with knee issues who are looking for an easier way to control depth and movement.
Bulgarian Split Squad: This exercise is performed with one leg resting on a bench or elevated surface behind you, while the other leg performs the squad movement. The Bulgarian split squad is an excellent exercise for developing strength and flexibility in the legs, particularly in the glutes and quadriceps, and it also helps improve balance and stability.

Which Muscles Does the Squad Work?
The squad may seem like a simple exercise, but it is actually a complex movement that targets many muscle groups, some of which may be surprising.
Quadriceps (Four-Headed Muscles): These muscles at the front of the thigh work primarily during the upward phase of the squad.
Hamstrings: These muscles work mainly during the descent (but also during the ascent) and help support the movement. It's important to maintain a balance between the quadriceps and hamstrings to prevent knee injuries.
Glutes: These muscles drive the pelvis upward and are a very important part of the exercise. Strengthening the glutes is essential for maintaining pelvic stability and reducing knee strain.
Core Muscles: The abdominal muscles and erector spinae (lower back muscles) also play a role. Surprisingly, the squad is a full-core exercise. Strong core and abdominal muscles support the weight and maintain stability. They increase intra-abdominal pressure, helping to stabilize the spine, while the erector spinae resist the gravitational force that tries to bend the torso forward.
Calf Muscles: These muscles help maintain stability on the ground. They work throughout the entire movement, and their role is to pull the shins backward.
Shoulder and Upper Back Muscles: When performing a squad with weights, these muscles help maintain posture and balance the bar. They are especially important in preventing forward collapse and arching of the back.
How to Perform a Squad Correctly and What to Pay Attention To:
Proper Stance and Initial Position: Start by standing with your feet at shoulder width or slightly wider, with your toes pointing slightly outward. Ensure that your weight is evenly distributed across the entire foot, not just on the heels or toes.
Posture: Keep your back straight, chest open, and shoulders pulled back. It's important to avoid excessive bending of the back or rounding of the spine ("rounded back").
Descending Movement: Lead your hips back and engage your core, as if you're sitting down on a chair. Continue to bend your knees and lower yourself until your thighs are at least parallel to the ground (90 degrees). If you're flexible enough, you can go lower, but make sure to maintain a straight back and keep your heels firmly on the ground.
Rising Back Up: Push through your feet to return to the standing position, straightening your knees and bringing your hips back to a neutral position. It's important to maintain smooth and controlled movement to avoid uneven loading on the joints.
Maintaining a Neutral Spine: Ensure that your back stays neutral throughout the exercise. Leaning forward or arching your back can place excess strain on your lower back, leading to chronic back injuries over time.
Knee Position: Your knees should be aligned directly above your feet and point outward throughout the movement. If they tend to cave inward, it’s a sign of instability that needs to be addressed, and it may indicate weakness in the thigh or glute muscles.
Squad Depth: Aim to lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground or even lower, with the hip joints going below the knee line. This should be done according to your flexibility. Proper depth is important, but it should never compromise the stability of your back or knees.
Proper Breathing: When using heavy weights, during the descent (eccentric phase) and ascent (concentric phase), take a deep breath—just like before diving into water—to maintain a strong core and increase intra-abdominal pressure. Exhale between repetitions when you're standing. Proper breathing is a critical element for successfully performing heavy squads.
For lighter weights or when performing bodyweight squads, you can breathe freely throughout the entire movement.