Rainy day? 20 minutes AMRAP Workout

Rainy day? 20 minutes AMRAP Workout

We cannot let the Australian weather disrupt our fitness routine, right? Just before you start climbing the wall and blaming yourself again for not wanting to go out to exercise, here is a full fitness workout to train all the body parts you can perform within the walls of the house. 

In this training you have 3 rounds built from 6 stations. Each station consists of a segment of exercise that will be performed for 45 seconds and immediately followed by a segment of rest of 15 seconds and beyond to the next station. 

The multi-joint exercises we perform work on large and different muscle groups alternately so that we can skip areas and train in a fluid and dynamic manner with a minimum of stops. 
Please note, this training is not suitable for special populations such as pregnant women or the elderly population, who will have to turn to a professional for individual adjustment. Either way, it is important to emphasize that you can definitely do fewer rounds, practice at a slower pace, shorten or extend each section of activity and rest according to your personal ability, so that the training will suit your fitness level. 

The equipment is minimal and includes a pair of weights, a mattress and a chair. If you do not have weights, you can use a pair of 2-litre water bottles. In addition, emphasis will be given during the video on how to perform in a more challenging way, even with a relatively lightweight. 

Although the training is based on light weights and many repetitions, it is recommended to start with a short warm-up of a few minutes that includes a number of exercises that accelerate the pulse such as skipping and running in place, arm rotations and general organ extraction. 

Exercise order: 

  1. Push-ups 45 seconds + 15 seconds move to the next stop
  2. Lunges 45 seconds intermittently + 15 seconds move to the next stop
  3. 2 hand dumbbell row 45 seconds + 15 seconds move to the next stop
  4. Bicycle Crunches 45 seconds + 15 seconds move to the next stop
  5. Dumbbell Military Press 45 seconds + 15 seconds beyond the next stop
  6. Bridge 45 seconds + 15 seconds beyond the next stop

Do it right 


The push-up exercise is a complex and multi-joint exercise that works on the chest muscle, backhand, shoulders and to some extent also on the abdomen. Keep in mind when performing that the more the body is horizontal and closer to the floor, the higher the level of difficulty. At the same time, if we want to perform even easier, we can perform at a positive angle and practice, for example when the hands are placed on a table. 

How to do it: Place the palms shoulder-width apart and at the chest line. Squeeze the shoulders well to the shoulder joint and fasten the shoulder blades to the upper back. Keep the abdomen tucked up and while inhaling go down towards the palms until an angle of about 90 degrees is created at the elbow joint. Repeat while exhaling. 

Intermittently lunges

The squat exercise is also a complex multi-joint exercise in which we work on the leg muscles, with an emphasis on the front thigh muscles and the buttock muscles. 

How to do it: Stand upright with your back in a relaxed and neutral position, with the feet facing forward and the hands according to the personal feeling - on the waist or on the sides of the body. Take the supporting leg a long step back while inhaling, descending down bend the front leg until it forms an angle of about 90 degrees at the knee joint, and exhale return the back leg and support forward to the starting point. 

Repeat the operation even with the other leg alternately. In order to create another challenge, you can pause for 2 seconds on each descent down to increase the load on the practicing leg. 

2 arm dumbbell row 

In the rowing exercise, which is also a multi-joint exercise similar to the previous two exercises, we work on the upper back muscles and the forearm muscles. It can be performed in two ways where the most notable difference between them is the degree of load exerted on the lower back as a supporting and stabilizing muscle. 

How to perform: To perform with support, hold weights in your hands, stand in front of a chair and support yourself with your chest on the back of the chair when the entire body is neutral and relaxed. To perform the exercise without support hold weights in your hands and lean forward until your chest is parallel to the floor. 

In order to achieve as neutral a posture as possible one should stand with a slight spread and knees bent. While exhaling, bend and pull up the weights until the elbow is slightly above the back, and inhaling, slowly lower and straighten the arms down. In both of the above options, difficulty in the exercise can be added by increasing the external weight and / or by slightly lingering during the contraction phase when the elbow is up. 

Bicycle Crunches 

Dynamic exercise for straight abdominal muscle and oblique muscles. 

How to perform: Lie on your back with your knees raised. Place the palms at the sides of the head near the ears, flatten the lower back against the mattress as much as possible and contract the abdominal muscles 

Exhale, detach the shoulder blades from the mattress and raise the chest up. While breathing dynamically and rhythmically create a pedaling movement with the knees - alternately meet the right knee with the left elbow and the left knee with the right elbow. 

During practice, dynamic breathing should be maintained so that throughout the performance you can inhale and exhale freely. Do not imprison or hold the air. Flattening the back is the trick that does the exercise so avoid arching your back and try to keep your lower back flat and as close to the floor as possible. 

Be sure to look up so you can avoid unwanted neck movements. A little tip to help you avoid neck movements - imagine holding a egg between your chin and chest, not crushing it or dropping it. You can practice with less straight legs and thus reduce the overall load in the exercise. In addition, if you do not feel comfortable with the exercise, it can be replaced with another exercise. 

Dumbbell Military Press 

Multi-joint exercise for the muscles of the shoulders and back arm, in the video the exercise is performed with hand weights but can also be performed using water bottles. 

How to perform: Stand in a parallel position shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, back straight, buttocks and abdomen held. Hold hand weights on both sides of the head with the forearm vertical, elbows slightly lower than shoulder height and at an angle of about 90 degrees at the shoulder joint. 

While exhaling, slowly press the weights up over the head, and as you inhale, slowly descend back down to the starting point. For a more challenging performance, you can pause each repetition with one side up so that the load on the raised hand increases. 



A complex exercise for the back belt that works on the buttocks muscles, the back thigh muscles and the lower back. 

How to perform: Lie on the floor with the shoulder blades touching the floor, hands at the sides of the body, knees bent at 90 degrees and feet placed close to the buttocks shoulder-width apart. Exhale, lift the buttocks up until the torso is aligned with the thigh, and inhale, lower down until the buttocks touch the floor. It is important to make sure that there is no arching in the back and that the movement comes from the hip axis - that is, from the buttocks. 

Important highlights 

Before doing any exercise or changing a training program, make sure that you are fit for health. In any case of weakness, dizziness or pain, stop immediately and seek medical advice. 

Light and gradual warm-ups should be performed at the beginning of the workout such as a light run in place and organ extraction. In addition, it may be good practice to perform stretching, releasing and relaxing at the end of the activity when the muscles are warm. 

Be careful not to perform the workout day after day to allow the muscles time to rest between workouts. Remember that muscle is built and strengthened at rest. 

In order to increase or decrease the intensity you can add or decrease resistance in the various exercises, shorten the number of rounds, or play with the training sections so that they are longer or shorter depending on your personal ability. Alternatively, you can work on a number of repetitions. 

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