The best ways to reduce body fat

Lift weight
A review of 58 studies on the subject shows that resistance training, for at least four weeks, may help reduce body fat by an average of about 1.5%. It has been found that exercise may significantly reduce both the overall fat content in the body and the abdominal fat, which is considered more harmful.
according to the American health website healthline, which has reviewed dozens of studies and reviews of the steps that will help reduce fat over time, five months of strength training were more effective at reducing body fat in obese adolescents than just aerobic exercise alone.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Even though it was found that performing three weekly HIIT workouts for an average of ten weeks, significantly reduces body fat mass and waist circumference. HIIT required 40% less training time than moderate-intensity continuous training, which includes activities such as running, rowing or using an elliptical. Studies show that HIIT training is extremely effective in increasing fat burning and promoting weight loss over time. Respite training combines intense and rapid activity with short recovery periods to maintain a high heart rate is an effective way for fat burning.

A review of 15 studies found an association between increased aerobic exercise and decreased abdominal fat in middle-aged women. It also found that aerobic exercise may increase muscle mass and reduce abdominal fat, waist circumference and body fat. Most studies recommend 150 to 300 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week (such as running, walking, cycling and swimming) or 40-20 minutes of aerobics daily.
A Good night sleep
Adequate sleep may help reduce appetite and hunger levels, as well as reduce the risk of weight gain. Studies are linking adequate sleep with weight loss. For example, a study from a decade ago linked less than six hours of sleep a night to a higher risk of obesity among young women. Another study showed that sleeping one hour less at night led to reduced fat loss in people following a low-calorie diet, compared to the control group. Another study suggested that sleep deprivation may lead to changes in hunger hormones, increased appetite and a higher risk of obesity.
Although everyone needs a different number of hours of sleep, most studies suggest that at least seven hours of sleep a night is needed to maximize the benefits of sleep for weight management and overall health.
Add protein to the menu
Eating protein-rich foods may increase satiety, reduce hunger, and increase fat burning. Multiple studies have linked high-protein protein intake with a lower risk of excess fat and obesity. One of them, conducted in 2017, suggests that a high-protein diet may help maintain muscle mass and metabolism during weight loss.

More healthy fats
A 12-month study linked a Mediterranean diet rich in healthy fats from olive oil and nuts with greater long-term weight loss, compared to a low-fat diet. It has been found that diets enriched with olive oil resulted in a greater reduction in body weight and abdominal fat compared to diets without olive oil.
Moreover, increased consumption of trans fats - which are most commonly found in fried or processed foods - is associated with long-term weight gain. Do not forget healthy fat is still rich in calories, so it is important to moderate consumption and instead of eating more fat, replace fried foods or those that contain refined oils, with olive oil, tahini, avocado, nuts and seeds.
Water and green tea
Sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages are associated with a higher risk of abdominal fat gain. Instead, replace them with green tea or water, which have been shown to increase weight loss and burn fat. In a study conducted among 14 young men, drinking about half a litre of water before a meal increased feelings of satiety and led to a reduction in the number of calories eaten during the meal. Green tea, which contains caffeine and is rich in antioxidants, has also been found to help increase fat burning and metabolism.
Try fasting intermittently
This may not be suitable for everyone, but some studies suggest that the intermittent fasting method may improve both weight loss and fat loss. One review of intermittent fasting examined intermittent fasting in which fasting days are combined with regular eating. After three to 12 weeks, participants reduced their body weight by up to 7% and lost about 5 kg of fat. Another study showed that eating during an 8-hour window each day combined with resistance training, helped reduce fat mass and maintain muscle mass.
Add Fiber
Soluble fibre - found in plant foods - absorbs water and passes slowly through the digestive tract thus helping to feel full over time. Studies have shown that increasing fibre-rich foods may protect against weight gain and increase fat loss. These foods include fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds. A study that included 345 people found a link between increasing the amount of fiber in the diet and increased weight loss and improving diet persistence. Another review found that increasing soluble fiber intake significantly reduced body weight and abdominal fat, regardless of caloric intake.
Drink coffee
The caffeine in coffee stimulates the central nervous system, increases metabolism and increases the breakdown of fatty acids. Caffeine has also been shown to improve fat burning during aerobic exercise. A review of 12 studies found that increased coffee consumption was associated with a lower risk of obesity, especially in men. Another study, which included 2,623 people, found an association between higher caffeine consumption and a higher rate of success in maintaining weight loss. To maximize the health benefits of coffee, avoid adding large amounts of milk and sugar. Instead, try getting used to black coffee or settling for a small splash of milk.