How to get the maximum from your proteins

The proteins are made up of a chain of acids called amino acids, and they differ from each other in the length and composition of the different chains. Some of the amino acids the body makes its own, and we must complete other food. At every moment our body tissues are destroyed, and the protein serves as the basic building block for their reconstruction. The body destroys several pounds of protein a day and is unable to take advantage of 90% from construction returns. What he could not restore us to consume in your diet every day.
The daily amount of protein needed for subsistence is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body, but athletes or people on a diet sometimes need to double it. Regular protein supply is one of the conditions for building muscle (along with resistance training), and studies show that a dose of over 20 grams of quality protein Leads to a jump in the rate of protein building, so it is recommended to consume protein servings several times a day.
Young and trained people need 25-20 grams of quality protein after a workout to increase muscle building in the next 24 hours. If the protein is of lower quality, or it is older people, larger amounts are needed. For people who are on a diet or athletes who want to add muscle mass - it seems that the daily amount needed is two to three times higher than an inactive person, and it reaches 2.7 grams per kilogram of body weight, or about half a gram per kilogram of muscle mass, depending on quality The protein.
There are no shortcuts: to grow you need to eat
Vegans need to put in more effort
Many people nowadays prefer to avoid eating animal products and adapt to a more or less vegetarian menu on the vegetarian scale. One end of the scale is veganism, and as a person moves more and more towards veganism he may suffer from nutritional deficiencies, and his carbohydrate intake goes up at the expense of protein. While proteins help regulate hunger levels, carbohydrate intake causes momentary satiety that turns into a sharp hunger, which encourages increased eating.
As mentioned, for the protein to build up the body's tissues, it needs essential amino acids that the body is unable to produce. Animal protein contains the exact mix of amino acids needed to build tissues (complete protein), while vegetable protein is always lacking in some of them.
Animal protein has a higher value and bioavailability, meaning we will have to compensate and eat far more plant proteins than animal proteins to build one gram of body protein, so it is more effective for normal development and health. For example, a person weighing 70 kg needs about 140 grams of protein per day. However, when the protein sources are not of sufficient quality, he should consume a higher amount than that.
Whether you are a vegetarian, a vegan, a paleo enthusiast, or you just want to optimize your diet - here is a comprehensive overview of the various proteins and their caloric value, which will help you better adjust your daily menu.
A different menu requires different strategies
Oatmeal, rice, corn, couscous, wheat, or other grain-like starches like quinoa and buckwheat contain 14-7% protein and about 75% carbohydrates. Those interested in the low-carbohydrate option will be able to choose Seitan - a raw gluten protein extracted from wheat and containing about 30% protein and a low carbohydrate concentration. This way you can add a significant amount of protein to your diet without unnecessary carbs.
Chickpeas, beans, peas, beans and of course soy on all its derivatives (red, tofu, etc.) contain about 26-18% protein and about 60% carbohydrates. It should be noted that for years opinions have been divided about the health effects of soy on infants, children, men and thyroid pathologists and breast cancer, but recently a position paper was published by the Ministry of Health stating that soy consumption among these populations is safe and effective.
It is important to also mention peanuts - a very protein-rich legume that is not receiving much attention in the country, which is used as part of the diet of athletes in other cultures, especially as peanut butter (prefer the liquid version, without hardened fat). It is also important to remember that to get a full protein, you must combine grains and legumes throughout the day (it is not mandatory for the same meal).
Seeds and nuts
Seeds and nuts such as cashews, walnuts, pecans, chia, flax and sesame seeds do contain a relatively high percentage of protein, but also a large amount of fat. Therefore, consuming a sufficient portion of protein will yield a greater amount of calories than desired.
Healthy but fattening so their consumption should be limited. nuts
Protein powder
If you do not want to get protein for a lot of calories, know that the market offers concentrated protein powders that contain relatively little fat and carbohydrates. Here too animal protein powders will have a higher bioavailability. Most proteins can be found in the form of a concentrated powder (Concentrated) that contains about 80-70% protein in addition to fat and carbohydrates, or in the isolated (and more expensive) form that contains over 90% protein.
Whey protein
It is considered the highest quality protein and constitutes about 20% of all milk proteins. Despite its name - its concentration in cheeses is very low. This protein contains a complete profile of the essential amino acids and is extremely rich in the essential amino acid leucine, the most dominant in the muscle-building process. It is absorbed in a very high speed, so it is recommended to consume it in close proximity to training with a little fatty food, otherwise, it may burn as energy before being used for construction.
Milk protein (casein)
A protein that contains a full profile of amino acids and makes up most of the protein in dairy products. Despite its cheap price, it is unpopular due to its low solubility. Its absorption is slow and therefore will provide amino acids to the muscle for about six to seven hours. It helps to reduce the rate of muscle breakdown and inspires a feeling of satiety, so it is more suitable for maintaining muscle mass during weight loss. It should be consumed before bedtime or between meals so that it can be used to build protein during the hours when you are not eating.
Important to know: Recent studies have shown that consuming whey protein and non-low-fat dairy products is more helpful in building muscle mass compared to low-fat proteins. It was also found that it is not necessary to consume carbohydrates together with the protein to increase its absorption.
Is the most abundant protein in the human body, found in the bones, muscles, skin, and tendons. He is a hard, insoluble, and fibrous protein that makes up one-third of the protein in the human body. In most collagens, the molecules are packed together to form long, thin fibrils. These act as supporting structures and anchor cells to each other. They give the skin strength and elasticity.
It can help heal wounds by attracting new skin cells to the wound site. It promotes healing and provides a platform for new tissue growth. It also have been used in periodontal and implant therapy to promote the growth of specific types of cell.
Egg protein (albumin)
Albumin is a protein with a high biological value and a medium absorption rate (compared to whey and casein). It is very soluble but less popular due to its high price and is therefore consumed mainly as a meal replacement or as a snack. It is lactose-free (but contains cholesterol) and is therefore recommended for those who are sensitive to lactose and allergic to milk proteins.
protein powder. A simple way to add a large amount of protein to your diet
Vegetable protein supplements
Vegetable proteins are usually lower absorbed when consumed from food, however, in protein powders, some of the absorption inhibitors are neutralized, which improves their digestive capacity. Because plant protein does not contain all the amino acids, the body may use them for energy instead of building muscle. To avoid this, these proteins should be consumed with complementary foods (e.g. legumes with grains).
Almonds protein
Almonds offer 16.5 g of protein per ½ cup. They also provide a good amount of vitamin E, which is great for the skin and eyes. Most of the fats in almonds are monounsaturated fats and include minerals such as magnesium, iron and calcium. It has great taste, can use as almond milk and provide vegan overall solution for people looking to have all it one cover.
Soy protein
Is vegetable protein has the highest bioavailability. A little slow absorption of whey protein, milk protein, but fast. Contains antioxidants as well as the highest amount of glutamine, an amino acid that contributes to the immune system and physical ability, especially after long efforts. Recommended for those who engage in aerobic sports, for those who are sensitive to lactose and allergic to milk proteins and especially for women.
Pea protein
Is Vegetable protein concentrates, lactose and cholesterol free and therefore suitable for vegans, but for maximum efficiency have been combined with protein legumes such as rice or wheat. Does not excel in taste and usually also contains carbohydrates. Recommended lactose intolerant and allergic to milk proteins.
it's important to remember! Different proteins have different advantages. The most important indicators in protein powders are the amount of protein above 20 grams, at least 2 grams of leucine per serving and a combination of proteins with fast absorption (whey, egg or vegetable) with slow absorption (milk). It is also recommended to consume them with garlic - and there is no need for the presence of carbohydrates. If you have not found such a protein, you can mix isolated or concentrated whey protein in a glass of plain milk or soy milk and get an efficient and relatively low-calorie protein dose