Tips to avoid sports injury

Did you know, load does not necessarily result from lifting heavy loads, but also from the frequency of training and a load of exercises in the training itself. Weight management of weightlifters is completely different from that of a marathon runner, and parameters that are not always taken for granted, such as sleep, diet and mental stress, should also be taken into account: they are all related to the issue of load management. According to sports physiotherapists the common signs of overload are pain during and after training, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, general weakness and mood swing.
Every professional athlete know that exercise load management is a world in its own right, without it there can be an imbalance between the intensity of the training and the need to be attentive to the body and the signals it transmits, to avoid injuries. Many people who do physical activity do not always know how to monitor and regulate the activity load. To help you with it we, brought you some examples of how to manage load at your exercise.
Find your path
When you understand that there is an overload, the first thing to do is to lower it or at least change it. Often there is no need for a complete cessation of training, but only a change. In the case of Achilles tendon pain, for example, it is important to ensure a proper landing of the foot on the ground during a run. To understand better what is your overload the best practice is to bring an outsider who looks objectively at our training program and lifestyle and can give a more accurate opinion. For example, before starting a new training schedule be under the supervision of a professional To improve strength performance, agility and load resistance - and also to avoid injuries - a controlled load increase should be performed and the body should be allowed to adapt to them gradually.
Too much rest is too much
The most common mistake is to rest for several days, followed by a non-gradual return to training or a rapid increase in training load. Giving your body the rest he needs and returning to activity as soon as possible impairs the recovery process. You should return to training only after the injury has been successfully treated, and the pain has passed. But don’t forget, you should not be given too large discounts: Controlled overload is an essential component in the process of tissue recovery. Controlled overload creates stimulation for the construction and spatial arrangement of tissue cells according to the application of force on it, It can handle loads. Lack of loading or over-rest will cause a slowdown in the healing process: the tissue will remain relatively weak as long as it is not exposed to loading with sufficient intensity. After res of several days, gradually increase loads with each exercise.
Taking anti-inflammatory and returning immediately to training is not the solution
Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pills can relieve pain quickly, but they do not cure the damaged tissue: it is only symptomatic treatment. There is a belief that they can interfere with the healing process of the tissues, and this should be taken into account.
Increased focus on biomechanical factors
Biomechanics is a field that deals with the mechanical properties and engineering principles of the body. Our body can be biomechanically examined to pinpoint the cause of the injury, but most recent studies show that there is usually no clear link between biomechanical problems and the risk of injury or pain.
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