Which fruits contain protein?
Fruit may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about protein sources. But if you’re looking for some more of the stuff, every little bit counts. Certain fruits can be a sweet way to add an extra dose of this nutrient to your diet.
When you think of protein, you probably think of meat, seafood, legumes, tofu, yogurt, cheese, nuts and eggs—the usual suspects. And you’re not wrong—they’re among the best foods to consume for protein, an essential macronutrient that builds muscle mass. But fun fact: Fruit contains protein in small amounts too.
According to the FDA, women should aim for 46 grams of protein daily, while men should consume 56 grams daily. A one-cup serving of fruit will generally provide less than six grams of protein, so yes, you’d have to eat pounds and pounds of the stuff to meet your daily requirement. The real benefits of eating a fruit-rich diet are the other vitamins and nutrients the food group can provide, plus healthy carbs and fibre. And if you combine your daily dose of fruit with another protein-rich snack, you can create a satisfying, protein-packed pick-me-up. 
  1. Avocados

Since they’re usually eaten with salt (although some include it in desserts), avocados are usually associated with the vegetable family, but avocado is actually a fruit because it grows on trees. Avocados have many health benefits, such as a particularly healthy fat profile but also quite a bit of protein.

A cup of mashed avocado: 4.6 grams of protein

  1. Guava

This aromatic fruit contains not only a particularly high amount of vitamin C, but also protein. Do not hesitate to eat the seeds and the peel as well, as all parts of the fruit is edible. Guava is one of the healthiest fruits out there.

A cup of cut guava 4.2 grams of protein.

  1. Peach

This popular summer fruit contains a high amount of protein, so some people prefer dried peaches over other dried fruits

A cup of fresh-cut peach: 2.3 grams of protein

  1. Kiwi and strawberries

These two fruits will also contribute protein to your body. Kiwis are also like Guava, as the peel, seeds and fruit are all completely edible, provided you are fine with the texture and that you have washed the fruit.

A cup of sliced kiwi: 2 grams of protein

  1. Raspberry

All berries contain a relatively small amount of carbohydrates, but the advantage of raspberries is that they contain a relatively high amount of protein and it is considered an ideal fruit for anyone who wants to reduce their carbohydrate intake.

A cup of raspberries: 1.5 grams of protein

  1. Grapefruit

If you're looking for a way to eat grapefruit, try cutting it in half and grilling for a few minutes until the top of the grapefruit is caramelized. After leaving the grill, eat the grapefruit with a spoon. Some argue that this is the tastiest way to eat a grapefruit.


Medium grapefruit: 1.6 grams of protein.

  1. Banana

Banana is considered a fruit that contains a high amount of potassium, but not many know that it also contains quite a bit of protein.

Medium banana 1.3 grams of protein.

  1. orange

This golden fruit, which excels in its high content of vitamin C, also contains quite a bit of protein.

Medium orange: 1.2 grams of protein